Continuous improvement in materials through smart supplier networking
Increasing cost pressure and ever shorter innovation cycles require new approaches to continuous material improvement. Read the article to find out how you can take your material development to a new level through intelligent networking and continuous improvement.
Digitization of the PPA (PPF) and PPAP process
This article provides an overview of the PPAP process and its practical application. The goal of PPAP to reduce risks before the release of products is greatly simplified and safer with Digital PPAP and a collaborative approach.
Digitize production process and product approval (PPA) for series release
PPA is the release procedure according to VDA and stands for production process and product release for the start of series production. The article leads you to a solution approach to save costs and effort - and to become faster at the same time.
Product Development Process: The Evolution of the First Article Inspection Report (FAIR)
The manufacturing industry is trending towards digital first article inspection reports in order to cope with increasing complexity and product variety as well as the need for more comprehensive coordination between customers and suppliers.
PPAP: Product Part Approval Process and Digital PPAP
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the PPAP process and how it is used in practice. The goal of PPAP, to reduce risks before products are released, is greatly simplified and made safer with Digital PPAP and a collaborative approach.
The future of first article inspection within quality management
Market requirements and solution for the digital transformation of your initial sampling.
Ensure quality and environmental compliance through a collaboration platform
New organizational forms and networking-experienced employees promote cross-supplier quality assurance.
Jens Schmidtmann
Head of Corporate Communications