Digitization of the PPA (PPF) and PPAP process
PPA (Production Process and Product Approval also sometimes abbreviated PPF) and PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) are two widespread quality assurance processes used in the automotive industry. While PPA is based on the guidelines of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), PPAP is based on the standards of the American Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). In this article, we will explain the differences and similarities between these two processes and describe the advantages of digitizing both processes for manufacturers.
Understanding the differences between PPF and PPAP
PPA places particular emphasis on aspects such as design and development approvals from the supplier, tool overview, proof of capacity achievement and a written self-assessment of series maturity for the product and process. These requirements are not included in PPAP.
In contrast, PPAP requires documentation from a qualified laboratory and a reference sample, which are not required in PPF.
PPA and PPAP similarities
Both procedures have similar requirements such as test results for product release, sample delivery, technical specifications, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) for product and process, proof of compliance with legal requirements, production control plan, process flow diagram and test equipment list.
There is a steady convergence between the AIAG and VDA standards to better meet customer requirements.
Why are we going into this?
It is important to understand the differences and similarities between PPF and PPAP to ensure that suppliers and companies in the automotive industry meet the appropriate quality standards. By knowing these procedures, manufacturers can ensure smooth operations in their supply chain and guarantee the quality of their products.
Now to the benefits of using digitized PPA and PPAP processes
Both the PPF process and PPAP require a considerable amount of time on the part of specialist personnel for documentation, and manual errors can also occur during data transfer. As part of continuous improvement, it therefore makes sense for manufacturers to digitalize both PPF and PPAP throughout.
This is precisely the aim of material.one AG with its Industry Cloud Platform. This platform, also known as the "Supply Chain Collaboration Platform", considerably simplifies and secures the process of material sampling. The required material data and tests are managed and provided throughout the entire product development process.
The platform enables direct import of the CAD model together with the corresponding requirement profiles for the part or component. At the same time, it provides access to legal and company test standards, which are digitized and made machine-readable. As early as the concept phase, materials can be tested for compliance with standards, for example with regard to environmental compatibility. Based on the data from the manufacturer using material.one, the cloud platform automatically creates a test plan and commissions laboratories after approval by the system.
In addition, CAD data, product requirements and inspection plans can also be made available to sub-suppliers. material.one eliminates existing process and company boundaries and integrates these processes seamlessly into the supply network.
The use of material.one eliminates many manual steps, such as error-prone collaboration with different document types and uncoordinated email communication. The platform considerably simplifies the entire approval process and also facilitates verification management.
The advantages of digitizing PPA and PPAP processes with material.one at a glance
Time savings: Automation and digitalization shorten planning phases and reduce the overall costs of the process.
Improved data quality: The cloud-based platform minimizes errors and improves data quality, leading to faster and more accurate decisions in the approval process.
Real-time traceability: Real-time tracking of inspection results enables an immediate response to problems in order to avoid delays and meet the scheduled production start.
Increased efficiency: The integration of processes and companies increases efficiency, as adjustments can be made quickly in the series release process.
Cost savings: The reuse of documents and data saves costs and speeds up the process. The time saved for specialist staff leads to increased productivity and reduced overall costs.
Example of reducing effort through PPA and PPAP digitalization with a supply chain collaboration platform - in this case material.one. Excerpt from the study report "The potential of digitalized sampling"
Using material.one to implement the PPA and PPAP process can help to simplify the process of ensuring a punctual and cost-efficient start to production. Digitalization and automation not only shorten planning phases, but also significantly reduce costs. The platform enables a more efficient, cost-effective and timely preparation and execution of the production start. Companies that digitalize their PPA and PPAP processes are taking an important step towards an optimized, cost-efficient and punctual start of production.
One use case for the digital implementation of the PPAP process with a cross-platform "Supply Chain Collaboration Platform" is the use of the material.one platform at Mercedes-Benz Cars. In addition, the study report "The potential of digitalized sampling" is available here"
Learn more about material.one
With material.one all stakeholders can collaborate a standardized manner in a compliance conforming way based on the "need to know". As an industry cloud platform, material.one provides information on material and material sampling, percentage of recycled material, certificates as well as CO₂ footprint information.